In this post I am going to share how to convert coordinate in various format (DMSH, HDMS) with different separators (space, hyphen, no separator) and get format of coordinate.
Let's start with defining constants to describe various coordinate formats:
# Hemisphere prefix degrees, minutes, seconds separated F_HDMS_SEP_HYPHEN = 'F_HDMS_SEP_HYPHEN' # hyphen separator F_HDMS_SEP_SPACE = 'F_HDMS_SEP_SPACE' # space separator F_HDMS_SEP_WORD = 'F_HDMS_SEP_WORD' # word DEG, MIN SEC separator F_HDMS_SEP_LETTER = 'F_HDMS_SEP_LETTER' # letter D, M, S separator # Hemisphere suffix degrees, minutes, seconds separated F_DMSH_SEP_HYPHEN = 'F_DMSH_SEP_HYPHEN' # hyphen separator F_DMSH_SEP_SPACE = 'F_DMSH_SEP_SPACE' # space separator F_DMSH_SEP_WORD = 'F_DMSH_SEP_WORD' # word DEG, MIN SEC separator F_DMSH_SEP_LETTER = 'F_DMSH_SEP_LETTER' # letter D, M, S separator # Degrees, minutes, seconds compacted F_HDMS_COMP = 'F_HDMS_COMP' # Hemisphere prefix DMS compacted F_DMSH_COMP = 'F_DMSH_COMP' # Hemisphere suffix DMS compacted
Now we have to write regular expression for each format.
Writing each regex for each format and then writing function that will check if regex separately (if .. elif statements) might not be optimal solution. Let's write regular expressions into dictionary,
where key will be coordinate format and value regular expression for this format. Then we will be able to go through the dict in order to check which regex match the input in for loop.
Dictionary of coordinate patterns:
coord_regex = {F_HDMS_SEP_HYPHEN: re.compile(r'''(?P<hem>^[NSEW]) (?P<deg>\d{1,3}) # Degrees (-) (?P<min>\d{1,2}) # Minutes (-) (?P<sec>\d{1,2}(\.\d+)?$) # Seconds ''', re.VERBOSE), F_HDMS_SEP_SPACE: re.compile(r'''(?P<hem>^[NSEW]) (?P<deg>\d{1,3}) # Degrees (\s) (?P<min>\d{1,2}) # Minutes (\s) (?P<sec>\d{1,2}(\.\d+)?$) # Seconds ''', re.VERBOSE), F_HDMS_SEP_WORD: re.compile(r'''(?P<hem>^[NSEW]) (?P<deg>\d{1,3}) # Degrees (DEG) (?P<min>\d{1,2}) # Minutes (MIN) (?P<sec>\d{1,2}(\.\d+)?$) # Seconds ''', re.VERBOSE), F_HDMS_SEP_LETTER: re.compile(r'''(?P<hem>^[NSEW]) (?P<deg>\d{1,3}) # Degrees (D) (?P<min>\d{1,2}) # Minutes (M) (?P<sec>\d{1,2}(\.\d+)?$) # Seconds ''', re.VERBOSE), F_DMSH_SEP_HYPHEN: re.compile(r'''((?P<deg>^\d{1,3}) # Degrees (-) (?P<min>\d{1,2}) # Minutes (-) ?P<sec>\d{1,2}(\.\d+)?) # Seconds (?P<hem>[NSEW]$) ''', re.VERBOSE), F_DMSH_SEP_SPACE: re.compile(r'''(?P<deg>^\d{1,3}) # Degrees (\s) (?P<min>\d{1,2}) # Minutes (\s) (?P<sec>\d{1,2}(\.\d+)?) # Seconds (?P<hem>[NSEW]$) ''', re.VERBOSE), F_DMSH_SEP_WORD: re.compile(r'''(?P<deg>^\d{1,3}) # Degrees (DEG) (?P<min>\d{1,2}) # Minutes (MIN) (?P<sec>\d{1,2}(\.\d+)?) # Seconds (?P<hem>[NSEW]$) ''', re.VERBOSE), F_DMSH_SEP_LETTER: re.compile(r'''(?P<deg>^\d{1,3}) # Degrees (D) (?P<min>\d{1,2}) # Minutes (M) (?P<sec>\d{1,2}(\.\d+)?) # Seconds (?P<hem>[NSEW]$) ''', re.VERBOSE), F_HDMS_COMP: re.compile(r'''(?P<hem>^[NSEW]) (?P<deg>\d{2,3}) # Degrees (?P<min>\d{2}) # Minutes (?P<sec>\d{2}(\.\d+)?$) # Seconds ''', re.VERBOSE), F_DMSH_COMP: re.compile(r'''(?P<deg>^\d{2,3}) # Degrees (?P<min>\d{2}) # Minutes (?P<sec>\d{2}(\.\d+)?) # Seconds (?P<hem>[NSEW]$) ''', re.VERBOSE)}
Now we are able to start writing function that converts DMS format into DD format:
def coord2dd(regex_patterns, dms):
Basically, it will be very similar to that one written in post Coordinates (2) with some changes.
I need additional variables to track information if input is valid coordinate (in the range of our regular expressions), decimal degrees of input, and coordinate format:
flag = False dd = None coord_format = None
Checking if input matches pattern is done in for loop:
for pattern in regex_patterns: if regex_patterns.get(pattern).match(dms): groups = regex_patterns.get(pattern).search(dms) h ='hem') d = float('deg')) m = float('min')) s = float('sec'))
Further there are no significant changes, expect those when we need assign values to newly created variables.
Checking conditions for latitude and longitude:
if h in ['N', 'S']: if d > 90: flag = False elif d == 90 and (m > 0 or s > 0): flag = False else: if m >= 60 or s >= 60: flag = False else: flag = True coord_format = pattern dd = d + m / 60 + s / 3600 if h == 'S': dd = -dd elif h in ['E', 'W']: if d > 180: flag = False elif d == 180 and (m > 0 or s > 0): flag = False else: if m >= 60 or s >= 60: flag = False else: flag = True coord_format = pattern dd = d + m / 60 + s / 3600 if h == 'W': dd = -dd
Finally functions returns values:
return flag, dd, coord_format
If coordinate is not valid result will be a tuple: (False, None, None).
If coordinate is valid result will be a tuple, e.g. (True, 50.5, 'F_HDMS_SEP_SPACE')
The source code is available here:
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