Sunday 16 December 2018

If you use plugins from series of post about 'circle based plugins' (CreateCircle, CreateCircleSector, CreateCircleSegment etc.) or you look at source code - you will spot some drawbacks:
  • new features (polygons) might be added to layer that is in Layer Panel
  • duplication of code:
    • creating inner and outer arc - it can be done in function
    • calculation points (start and end of arc) can be done simpler (function, class)
  • lack of some precondition checking:
    • missing validation if radius is greater then 0, 
    • missing validation if outer radius is greater then inner radius 
    • missing validation if bearings from and to are not equal
  •  if we have to create a lot of such polygons it would be convenient to create them in one layer and using one plugins, in which we could choose what kind of polygon we need

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