In AIP, ENR part you can find list of 'Name-code designators for significant points'.
If we have this data into CSV forma, we can do following steps to create spatial data:
Create temporary waypoint table:
CREATE TABLE tmp_waypoint ( rec_id serial PRIMARY KEY, ctry_icao_code char(2), wpt_ident varchar(5), wpt_type varchar(30), lat_src varchar(20), lon_src varchar(20), lat_dd float, lon_dd float, wpt_location geography(POINT, 4326) );
Import data from CSV into temporary table, with 'empty' spatial column:
COPY tmp_waypoint(ctry_icao_code, wpt_ident, wpt_type, lat_src, lon_src, lat_dd, lon_dd) FROM 'C:\significant_points.csv' DELIMITER ';' CSV HEADER;
Update wpt_location column with geometry infromation based on lat_dd and lot_dd columns:
UPDATE tmp_waypoint SET wpt_location = ST_GeomFromText('POINT(' || lon_dd || ' ' || lat_dd || ')',4326);
Now we got points in tmp_waypoint table and we are able to visualize and manipulate it using GIS software or spatial queries in PostGIS. For example, we have following result so far:
But, we want waypoints in waypoint table. So we need to import data from tmp_waypoint into waypoint able without lat_dd and lon_dd columns. Following query will do this task:
INSERT INTO waypoint (rec_id, ctry_icao_code, wpt_ident, wpt_type, lat_src, lon_src, wpt_location) SELECT nextval('waypoint_rec_id_seq'), ctry_icao_code, wpt_ident, wpt_type, lat_src, lon_src, wpt_location FROM tmp_waypoint;
And final result is:
Notice, that I use nextval() function to get values of rec_id column.
At the and, we can delete table tmp_waypoint:
DROP TABLE tmp_waypoint
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