Wednesday 31 July 2019

Quick 3D visualizaion of airspaces in QGIS

We can use Qgis2threejs to visualize DEM and vector data in 3D.
We are able to build 3D picture of airspace structure around airport for example. I have created sample airspaces, that simulate sector of CTR (Control Zone) and TMA (Terminal Control Area) around airports. Vertical levels are expressed in feet in my example.
After installation of Qgis2threejs we have to adjust settings to get  satisfaying results.
Go to Scene > Settings from main menu of plugin and set:

In my example vertical limits are in feet, so they might be quite large numbers (150 000) - hence I have chosen 'Vertical exaggeration' as 0.002 to get nice 3D model.

And another view of airspace, this time 'side view':

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