Sunday 11 November 2018

aviation_gis_tools is upcoming! (and note about reinventing the wheel)

As I wrote in the introductory post, you can learn here how to make your work more efficient, comfortable and even enjoyable while dealing with aviation content. Needless to say, we need some tools to do such things. Luckily, there is a bunch of tools available on the market: plugins and extension for free, open source and proprietary GIS software. Furthermore, some of this applications share their API which allows us to extend their capability by adding specified, problem oriented and highly customized tools. Hence, we are able to build a new functionality using built-in, optimized functions, the same that we use while using user interface.
But,  here I am going to write some tools from scratch…
So, you may ask: What is the purpose of creating and likely duplicating existing code?
Because of the educational purposes. But not only.
Writing from scratch library might sounds like reinvented the wheel. But, what I am actually going to do is to create tools that will be independent from the particular GIS software as much as it is possible. Such library allows us to use it with stand-alone scripts or create plugins for QGIS and custom tools for ArcGIS easily to deal with aviation content.

I am going to finish this post now, which turned out to be introductory again.
Next time we will start doing real work!

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