This plugin can be helpful if you need to get location (latitude, longitude) point and you have their location in 'local polar coordinate system': reference point latitude, longitude, magnetic variation (optional), and bearings (magnetic or true) and distances of points.
To test this plugin I have created CSV file in format with header P_NAME;BRNG;DIST with ranfom data for bearing and distance. Here is sample of test data:
The results has the same attributes as PointByPolarCoord as an example shows:
The major difference is in the points calcualation part of plugin source:
if self.check_csv_points_input(): true_mag = 'MAG' if self.ref_point.mag_var.src_value == '': true_mag = 'TRUE' layers = QgsProject.instance().layerTreeRoot().children() layers_list = [] # List of layers in current (opened) QGIS project for layer in layers: layers_list.append( if self.mlyr_name == '': self.mlyr_name = lct.get_tmp_name() if self.mlyr_name not in layers_list: self.create_mem_lyr(self.mlyr_name) out_lyr = self.iface.activeLayer() out_lyr.startEditing() out_prov = out_lyr.dataProvider() feat = QgsFeature() out_csv_fnames = ['P_NAME', 'BRNG', 'DIST', 'LAT_DMS', 'LON_DMS', 'POLAR_COOR', 'NOTES'] with open(self.input_file, 'r') as inCSV: with open(self.output_file, 'w') as outCSV: reader = csv.DictReader(inCSV, delimiter=';') writer = csv.DictWriter(outCSV, fieldnames=out_csv_fnames, delimiter=';') for row in reader: valid_azm_dist, notes = lct.check_azm_dist(row['BRNG'], row['DIST']) if valid_azm_dist: # azimuth or brng and distance are valid csv_points_uom = self.get_csv_points_uom() dist_m = lct.to_meters(float(row['DIST']), csv_points_uom) pp_brng = lct.Bearing(row['BRNG']) polar_point = lct.PolarCoordPoint(self.ref_point, pp_brng, dist_m) pp_name = row['P_NAME'] pp_def = 'Ref point: {} Bearing {} {} Distance: {} {}'.format(self.ref_point.origin_id, pp_brng.src_value, true_mag, row['DIST'], csv_points_uom) # Write result to output file writer.writerow({'P_NAME': row['P_NAME'], 'BRNG': row['BRNG'], 'DIST': row['DIST'], 'LAT_DMS': str(polar_point.ep_lat_dd), 'LON_DMS': str(polar_point.ep_lon_dd), 'POLAR_COOR': pp_def, 'NOTES': ''}) # Write result to temporary layer pp_qgs_point = QgsPointXY(polar_point.ep_lon_dd, polar_point.ep_lat_dd) pp_attributes = [self.ref_point.origin_id, self.ref_point.src_lat, self.ref_point.src_lon, pp_name, polar_point.ep_lat_dd, polar_point.ep_lon_dd, pp_def] feat.setGeometry(QgsGeometry.fromPointXY(pp_qgs_point)) feat.setAttributes(pp_attributes) out_prov.addFeatures([feat]) else: pass out_lyr.commitChanges() out_lyr.updateExtents() self.iface.mapCanvas().setExtent(out_lyr.extent()) self.iface.mapCanvas().refresh()
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